Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 4 Discussion/Poll

Movie week is behind us and one of the remaining 13 couples will be wanting to put the last week or so behind them. Week 4 is the focus of the remaining couples as none of them want to be in the dance off and revealed as eliminated in the spoiler later tonight.

But who is safe for another week and who should be sent packing. You can let me know your thoughts about that or anything else to do with tonight’s show (but let’s try and keep it about what happens on the dance floor) right here in the comments section below.

Or you can join the communities on Facebook or Twitter (on Twitter tag @davejthorp and include #StrictlySpoiler). Each time you get involved in the discussion you earn an entry into the competition to win one of four £20 Amazon UK vouchers I have up for grabs each and every week.

A poll will open here once all the couples have danced which will give you something to do while we wait for the spoiler to come in. As always you will be able to select up to 3 options

[poll id=”73″]

This website now costs me hundreds of pounds every month to host and keep up at peak times when the spoiler comes in. If I provide you with a valuable service and you can afford to, and are willing to, help me out with these costs any and all donations would be hugely appreciated. You can use THIS LINK (preferred) or the button below. Do not feel any obligation to help out though. Donations are and will always be entirely optional

The last couple of spoilers have been VERY late and have both come in after 11pm so it may well be a late one tonight also. Please do not bombard me with messages on Facebook or Twitter asking if I have heard. I receive hundreds of social media notifications on a Saturday night and your messages will get lost in among all them. Also please don’t spread rumours you see elsewhere either here or on the social networking pages. Last week an incorrect spoiler was spread which increased the amount of moderation I had to do as I had to remove all comments with that incorrect information. A number of spoiler communities including this one work together these days and as soon as one of us has the spoiler it will be posted here.

Finally don’t forget to give this post a good old like and share using the buttons for all popular social networks and (the soon to be defunct) Google+ above and below. Your likes and shares really help me out!

11 Replies to “Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Week 4 Discussion/Poll”

    1. He fancies himself a bit too much. And his pro is not very popular… not his fault but it will affect his progress.

  1. We are such renegades with our voting here for Seann and Katya. Dear God, I hope we are right. Our tiny sample usually is.

  2. Charles doesn’t seem to be engaging with the audience, I thought, though a little wild, it wasn’t a bad dance, certainly not bottom two. Kate really struggled with the samba tonight.

  3. I was tempted to vote for Kate just so I don’t have to hear “Africa” being butchered again. Stacey was excellent tonight, she’s got to be a strong contender for making the final.

  4. I really enjoyed the traditional dance from Dr Ranj and Jeanette tonight but thought Ashley and Pasha were best

  5. Really enjoyed the Cha Cha by Joe Sugg. It could have been a little less bouncy like Bruno said as it would have looked liked a puppet but overall a very good dance and I hope they get through to week 5

  6. Out of curiosity – have you ever done any analysis of the actual bottom two, compared to those calculated using the judges scores and the poll result here? Last night, for example, was spot on with Charles and Katie.

    1. There has been times I’ve tried that yes and they’ve predicted a different bottom two. Probably more so later in the competition

      You need to remember I’m asking who people’s favourites were which may be different to who they voted for

      I am aware of how often my polls get the bottom two right though

      1. Makes sense (though I’ll wager the vote proper has more than a touch of favouritism about it) – thanks for the quick reply

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