Strictly Spoiler 2019 Thanks

It’s that time as we approach what will be the final spoiler of the series that I take a few minutes to reflect on the 2019 series and say some words of thanks to those who have made this year another huge year for The Strictly Spoiler

And it has been a huge year. Over the course of this series (including the pre series when contestants were being announced) this website has been viewed 5.5 million times (an increase of 46% on 2018) by 1.44 million people (an increase of 87% on 2018). During the busiest weekend this series the spoiler was viewed a whopping 907k times by 328k of you. Thank you to each and every one of you who comes to this website each week to view the content I produce.

Providing the required web servers to keep up demand is not cheap though and like last year those costs have been helped out by a few of you who have chosen to use the donation link or button. Donating is entirely optional and for the overwhelming vast majority of you this site is free to use. Donating does however help me out with the spiralling web hosting costs which continue to rise as more and more people access the site at the same time and I am grateful to those of you who have been able and willing to spare the cash to help me out with these costs.

Anyone who wants to get a last minute donation in or if you just want to buy me a Christmas present or a cool refreshing beer to thank me for all the spoilers you can do so using THIS LINK or the button below

Also thanks go out to the various sources I work with. These days I work closely with several other spoiler sources on social networks or on other websites and together we help each other out by sourcing moles to provide us with the spoiler each week. Between us we’ve had moles for each week of the 2019 series with only one or two close shaves. Also thanks to anyone who has approached me offering their services as a mole over the course of 2019 and anyone who has provided the spoiler to one of the other sources I work with. Without you moles there would not be a spoiler here or anywhere else online.

I also want to thank those of you on the Facebook page who have been very patient the last few weeks. Unfortunately Facebook have blocked the direct linking of this website on their platform in what appears to be an automatic decision on the part of Facebook following malicious complaints from those opposed to what I do in providing the spoiler. This has caused problems with delivering the spoiler and other content to Facebook and also resulted in the purging of a large number of competition entries prior to the prize draws which meant those entries had to be voided. Everyone on Facebook have been very understanding of the situation and I have worked hard to try and restore partial service on that network over the last few weeks.

What this means for the future of the Facebook page I cannot say as its primary purpose was to drive traffic from Facebook to this site and if it cannot meet that purpose anymore there may come a time where it is simply time to call it a day on Facebook. That will be a decision for 2020 though.

Finally I want to thank those of you who are reading this far into the post. You are the people who actually read and engage with all of my content rather than coming, reading the 2nd paragraph of the spoiler post, and then going away again. You are also probably the people who had a far easier time entering the password competition this series ?

So that’s it for the annual thanks post. Don’t forget there is still The Christmas Special Spoiler available for your viewing delight and the normal discussion/poll posts and spoiler posts will be coming later on tonight too. All that remains is to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020 when The Strictly Spoiler will be back. Assuming the BBC don’t do anything crazy like a live results show!