The Countdown to Strictly Come Dancing 2015 Begins Here

We’re now just one month or so away from the launch of Strictly Come Dancing 2015 and it’s expected that the BBC will start to drip feed us details of the contestants in the coming weeks in a similar manner to how they drip feed us the results.

As soon as there is news on the contestants you can read it here along with my assessment of what I think their chances are.

Whilst we wait for the BBC why not join in the discussion using the comment links above and tell me who you’d like to see hit the dance floor this series.

Don’t forget to give this post a like and a share using the links for all popular social networks (even google+) above and below and update your bookmarks if you haven’t already so you don’t miss a single spoiler when the series kicks off!

Strictly Come Dancing 2014 – Week 12 (Semi Final) Spoilers

Here we are then. Final spoiler of the year. Yes not even the BBC are stupid enough to pre record the final results. So for the final time let us use the miracle that is the Internet to learn who fell at the final hurdle and who actually will be in next week’s final. So here are the results:

Mark and Jake had to dance off. The judges saved Mark. Jake was eliminated. The finalists are: Caroline, Mark, Frankie and Simon!

Complaints to the BBC

Christmas Special Spoiler can also be found HERE

Please take the time to check out the video below which I recorded as a special thanks to all you guys and everyone else who makes the spoiler possible

Please also take a couple of seconds to click the like and share buttons for all social networks below. Even Google+. You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter, links are above or you can join the conversation by commenting on this post, again the links are above.

Strictly Come Dancing 2014 – Week 11 (Quarter Final) Spoilers

Sad times here at the original and best home of the strictly spoiler as it is the penultimate time this year I will be posting the spoilers. Yes that’s right, not even the BBC are stupid enough to pre record the final results so next week’s Semi Final will be the final spoiler of the year. It’s been quite a ride, for reasons I’ve gone into previously and will do again during the final spoiler next week. Anyway, enough waffling, you want the results and thanks to the internet, here they are first and before any other spoiler site, not to mention long before the not live results show!

Simon and Pixie had to dance off. The judges saved Simon. Pixie was eliminated!

Judges voted as follows: Craig (Pixie), Darcey (Simon), Bruno (Pixie), Len (Simon)

Complaints to the BBC

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