It’s a brand new week for Strictly and last week’s shock elimination is but a distant memory. The 9 remaining couples are focused on dancing their way into Blackpool next week.
Who has secured their place in the vegas of the north? And who will be left behind? As always you can let me know your thoughts about that or anything else to do with tonight’s show right here in the comments section below (comments only appear on individual posts and not the home pages where more than one post will display. Click on the name of the post you wish to comment on if you don’t see the comments section).
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As always a poll will open here when all the couples have danced. The poll will look a little different to previous weeks as I’m trying out some new polling software due to some glitches with the old one so let me know what you think, if it works for you or if you have any issues with the new poll system once the poll opens. Due to site issues which may or may not have been down to the new poll software I’ve reverted to the old one and migrated the poll results over to that system.
Spoiler should be incoming some time after 10:30pm tonight so keep checking the site for the latest updates or follow me or like the strictly spoiler on the social networks using the links above to keep up to date with everything Strictly Spoiler
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Weird scoring for Susan two 8s a 5 and a 6 are all the judges scoring the same dance or are they scoring to influence the result.
The latter. Without a doubt. I’m starting to lose the love for the programme because the judges make their minds up who they like and Mark accordingly
The judges clearly have an agenda. Mark up their favourites and penalise the others
Scoring was awful tonight! Thought Davood and Joe did particularly well. Gemma seems to have lost her confidence which is a shame 🙁
Definitely didn’t get the scoring for Debbie. I found it awkward and clumsy. She’s amazing, but not so much tonight.
I think next year they should have contestants who have all had experience or all that haven’t. It’s unfair having them mixed the way they do this year. I love Susan for her enthusiasm and I love Davood and Joe but think it’s clear the final is going to be Debbie, Alexandra and maybe Davood or Joe.
The voting this series has just been plain weird where the favourite dancers are getting high marks even with mistakes but those who improve week on week are still being penalised.
Yes, I quite agree Marg ?
Yes, the scoring this week was rather eccentric. But the 3 at the bottom deserve to be there I think. I love Anton, but surely it’s time for Ruth to go. She just isn’t going tyo get any better.
Nadiya and Davood were definitely my favourites tonight and deserved the top spot on the leaderboard. I didn’t think mollie and AJ were as bad as the results reflected and previously hadn’t been a fan of them. I think their scores were a reflection of Ashton wrongly going last week and the backlash Shirley received via social media.
Emma x
I think Debbie is good but definitely didn’t deserve 9s tonight. I think Gemma has lost confidence but wasn’t as bad as scores suggested especially as her mistake was a wardrobe malfunction.
As others have said, I found the scoring inconsistent. I think there’s a bit of a pre-Blackpool lull hanging over the show tonight as every one has their eye on next week.
I thought Davood was fantastic tonight and deserved to be joint top of the leaderboard. Alexandra, Joe and Debbie also very good and Susan improves every week – just love her passion for the whole thing. Mollie, Gemma and Jonnie dont seem to be getting any better and its a joke that Ruth is still in the competition at all. If there’s any justice, she will go this evening.
The scoring does leave you a bit bewildered, it has to be said. I dont think Shirley, in particular, is consistent.
Sad that Ruth has gone – love her and Anton ?